Monday, March 11, 2013

OBIEE 101 Blog Farewell

John Minkjan, who runs OBIEE 101 (, has just posted that he has gotten a new position at Ciber in the Neatherlands!  Congrats John!

Why is this so important to me that I made a post about it?

John has been providing the BI community with his shared experiences and best practices for many years through his Blog.  His promotion within Ciber is great , but an unfortunate one for us Oracle BI people since he will now be focusing on Microsoft BI and will not be posting to OBIEE 101 anymore.  No worries though, all of his existing content will still be available via his website and he has plenty of other Blogs that he runs that we can still browse.

I want to personally  thank John for his contributions to the BI space and his willingness to share his experiences and best practices with us over the years.  I know he has helped me greatly.  Congrats on the new position John!

Below is John's farewell post.