I don't always Blog about Oracle / Hyperion, but when I do, I try to keep it interesting - Scott Danesi
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Flat File Modifier Header Modification Option (v3.0.2)
Hey Everyone,
The Flat File Modifier Utility has been updated! I have fixed a few minor bugs and added a very exciting new feature. The utility now allows for Header modification on extremely large data files!
This new feature will allow you to Add, Remove, or Replace header rows in files that could not normally be opened in a text editor due to their size.
The screenshot below shows the sample data file that I used.
There are 2 main sections in the header options tab; "Rows to Remove" and "Add Header". These sections work independently of each other to give maximum flexibility in modifying the header of these files.
The Rows to Remove section will delete the specified number of rows from the top of the loaded file and the Add Header section will add the specified text to the top of the file.
The screenshots below show the preview capabilities of the header modification section.
You can get the latest version from the Utilities Section Link below.
Flat File Modifier in the Utilities Section
Flat File Modifier,
Friday, December 21, 2012
Properly Passing Commands With Your Batch and MaxL Scripts
I know that this may be a bit of a beginner topic for some of you, but I feel this is an essential part of creating the brotherly bond between your batch scripts and your MaxL scripts. This post will also contain some of my best practices around this topic which will make your life much easier down the road.
Passing commands from one batch script to another is relatively simple, as long as you adhere to a standard when doing so. For this example, we will pass the following information from one batch to another.
- Server Name
- Application Name
- Database Name
- Username
- Password
First we will create a "parent" batch script. This script will use the call function to start up another "child" batch script within the same cmd window. Below is an example of the "parent" script we will use.
Example 1 (Parent Batch Script):
REM ******************************************************* REM Script Name: parent.bat REM Purpose: Example of how to pass commands REM Process: High level process list REM ******************************************************* @ECHO ON REM ****************** Call Child Batch ******************* CALL child.bat server1 application1 database1 scott password
This example above should be pretty self explanatory The first thing we are doing is turning on the ECHO command to enable screen output and then we are calling the child.bat to execute. You will notice in this example how we pass the connection information to the child.
It is very important to note that the space represents a divider among multiple commands. So if you are passing a value to the child script that has a space in it, you must put it in double quotes. See the example line below where I have changed my password to one with a space in it.
CALL child.bat server1 application1 database1 scott "pass word"
It also does not hurt to put the double quotes around commands that do not have a space either. (see below)
CALL child.bat "server1" "application1" "database1" "scott" "pass word"
Example 2 (Child Batch Script):
REM ******************************************************* REM Script Name: child.bat REM Purpose: Example of how to receive commands REM and pass them to a MaxL Script REM Process: High level process list REM Passed Commands: 1) Server Name REM 2) Application Name REM 3) Database Name REM 4) UserName REM 5) Password REM ******************************************************* REM ****************** Set Variables ********************** SET ssd_server_name=$1 SET ssd_app_name=$2 SET ssd_db_name=$3 SET ssd_user_name=$4 SET ssd_password=$5 REM ****************** End Variables ********************** @ECHO ON REM ****************** Call Child Maxl Script ************* CALL essmsh child_maxl.mxl %ssd_server_name% %ssd_app_name% %ssd_db_name% "%ssd_user_name%" "%ssd_password%"
You will notice a few things in this example. First, the way that the child batch script accepts the passed commands is with a dollar sign followed by a number. This number represents the numeric position of the passed command. Second, you will notice that I have assigned all of these passed commands to local variables. This will help determine what the batch is expecting to receive from the parent batch script and also make referencing these command values much more user friendly. Lastly, I have put quotes around some variables in the MaxL script call that could potentially have spaces in them.
MaxL scripts are a bit different in how they handle and accept these commands. Below, I have posted the script of my test MaxL (child_maxl.mxl) that we called above.
Example 3 (Child MaxL Script):
/******************************************************* Script Name: child_maxl.mxl Purpose: Example of how to receive commands in a MaxL script Process: High level process list Passed Commands: 1) Server Name 2) Application Name 3) Database Name 4) UserName 5) Password *******************************************************/ /****************** Set Variables **********************/ SET ssd_server_name=$1; SET ssd_app_name=$2; SET ssd_db_name=$3; SET ssd_user_name=$4; SET ssd_password=$5; SET mxl_logfile_path="C:\Logs\child_maxl.log" /****************** End Variables **********************/ spool on to $mxl_logfile_path; login $ssd_user_name $ssd_password on $ssd_server_name; logout; spool off; exit;
You can see that the MaxL script is similar to the batch syntax with some slight variations. In this case, I passed 5 commands to the MaxL script, but only used 3 of them.
That's about it for a high level overview of how to pass commands from batch scripts to MaxL scripts.
As always, post your questions or comments in the comment section below and I will respond.
Best Practices,
Windows Batch Scripting
Friday, December 14, 2012
Scott's Flat File Modifier Utility Released
Hey Everyone,
I am proud to announce that the initial release of my Flat File Modifier utility is now available for download. This utility is a non-destructive search and replace utility on steroids.
The Flat File Modifier will analyze any existing text file line by line and give you the following modification options:
- Replace (Single Pass)
- This option will read the text file line by line and do a single pass on that line looking for a value and replacing it. The single pass option will only replace the first instance of the search value that it encounters on that line then continue to the next.
- Replace (Multi Pass)
- This option has the same functionality as the first but does a multiple pass on each line. This option will ensure that all occurrences of the search value will be replaced.
- Remove Row
- The Remove Row option will search through the file and when it finds the search value, it will remove that row from the destination file.
- Keep Only Row
- This option will perform similarly to the Remove Row option but it will only keep rows in the destination file where it finds the search text.
Since this application is non-destructive, it will only read from the original input file and create a copy of this file with the modifications specified.
Full list of features of the Flat File Modifier:
- Finds and replaces text in any size file without loading it into RAM
- Line by line, non-destructive text replacement
- Analyzes file for Row Count, File Size, and Modified Date
- Allows preview of any size text file
- Optional advanced sequencing of text replacement capabilities
- Exporting and importing of proprietary sequence files
- High Performance Mode
Where to get the latest version:
I hope this utility helps you out! I know it has saved me many times.
Flat File Modifier,
Friday, December 7, 2012
How Not to Structure Your Essbase Fix Statements
Fix statements... The most essential concept to understand when writing calc scripts in Essbase. I am going to be talking a little bit about best practices around fix statements and what not to do with them. I will be referencing the Sample.Basic database that we all love so much just to keep the code simple.
Below is a high level screenshot of the Sample.Basic outline that we will reference for this discussion:
fix(jan,feb,mar); fix(actual); fix("100-10"); fix("new york"); fix(sales,cogs); clearblock all; endfix; endfix; endfix; endfix; endfix;
#1: "The Zipper" or "Pyramid"
I am sure the first thing you notice about this example is that Jimmy has nested all of his FIX statements separately, calling out a member from each dimension in order to clear a select set of blocks.This method may look nice to some, but to an experienced Essbase developer, this is not nice. In fact, this is actually a less efficient way of clearing these blocks. By opening a new fix statement for every dimension he is actually slowing down the calculation unnecessarily. You can simply put all of the members in one statement to make this much more efficient.
#2: "Manic Semicolons"
Jimmy has added more sloppiness to his calc script. The Manic Semicolon happens more often than you would think. Some developers, like Jimmy, do not realize that a FIX statement does not need a semicolon. This really doesn't hurt performance, but it sure does make Jimmy look like he does not understand what he is doing.#3: "Unrestrained Members"
The last thing you ever want to do is leave any member unrestrained like Jimmy has done here. Members should always be contained within quotes. This may just sound like a pet peeve, but it can save headaches down the road. You will notice that "New York" and "100-10" are contained in quotes. This is not by accident. These members would cause the calc script to fail validation if they did not have these protective quotes around them. The reason for this is because New York has a space in the member name and the system will try to resolve it as two separate members, "New" and "York". The product 100-10 also would fail validation because the system assumes this is the number 100 minus 10 or 90. No good...#4: "Underutilized Functions"
Jimmy is what I would qualify as a caveman coder, similar to the "guy" that unplugs a lamp to turn it off when he could have just flipped the switch on the wall. You will notice in his first FIX Statement, he is trying to include the months in the first quarter of the year in his script. Lucky for him, there is an easy to use function called "@CHILDREN" that he can use instead of hard coding the first 3 months. I realize that this is not an extreme case, but it is a good idea to get in the habit of thinking about your calc scripts in this dynamic way. The syntax that should be used in this case is @CHILDREN("Qtr1") which will automatically grab Jan, Feb, and Mar.#5: No Respect for Next Person
Clearly Jimmy has no respect for the next developer that will be modifying this script in the future. You can tell this from 2 key facts, proper capitalization not used and the lack of comments.Proper capitalization may not seem very important, but it really improves the overall readability of the script syntax. It really lets the developer after you know that you took your time with the script. Some guidelines for properly capitalizing items within year script are as follows. Member names should always match the case of how they are stored in your outline. Functions, like FIX and @CHILDREN should be in a caps to make them easier to read.
Comments, need I say more? Commenting code is something that every programmer should have ingrained in their coding techniques. This not only helps the developer after you figure out what the script is doing, but helps you debug as you are developing. Another thing to add to the script is a header comment that describes which script you are looking at, what is is suppose to do, when it was written, who wrote it, and what the high level process is of the calc script. This will save many headaches down the road.
#6: Overruled Outline Order
Looks like Jimmy has done it again... His nested FIX statements are not in outline order. This order does not affect the script from a technical standpoint, but it sure does make it easier to figure out which members are from each dimension (see #5 above). What Jimmy should have done is put all of his members in one FIX statement and group them by dimension. You will notice in the best practice example below, this has been organized properly.How Should It Really Look?
After coaching Jimmy through my best practices, he re-wrote his script and gave it back to me. Much better! What do you think?/************************************************ Script Name: CLR_EX.csc Script Purpose: This script will clear Actual Sales and COGS for New York for the "100-10" product Date Created: 2012-06-21 Created By: Jimmy Smith (ACME Consulting) Process: 1. Clear data ************************************************/ FIX( @CHILDREN("Qtr1"), /* Year */ "Sales", "COGS", /* Measure */ "100-10", /* Product */ "New York", /* Market */ "Actual" /* Scenario */ ) CLEARBLOCK ALL; ENDFIX /* Year, Measure, Product, Market, Scenario */
Please note that the best practices discussed here are the ones that I have collected over the years that that I personally believe are the best ones. There is no law of the land in this space, but these are the best practices that I drive on all of my projects.
Best Practices,
Calc Scripting
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Innovative Way to Structure Essbase/Planning Account Dimension
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to share with you today a pretty innovative, and different way to structure an account dimension in Essbase or Planning. This method is not new and has been passed down from generation to generation from ancient times when planning could be installed from 3.5" floppy disks, slowly evolving into what I am going to describe below. This will not be ideal to use in all situations, but when it fits, it fits very well.
I am going to cut to the chase and just get right into it. Below you will find a sample structure of this method for use in a planning application and some notes below about why I personally like and dislike about this structure.
- Account
- Transferred_Accounts (~)
- Loaded_Sales (Stored) (~)
- Loaded_COGS (Stored) (~)
- Input_Accounts (~)
- Sales_Adjustment (Stored) (~)
- COGS_Adjustment (Stored) (~)
- Calculated_Accounts (~)
- Calculated_Sales (Stored) (~)
- Calculated_COGS (Stored) (~)
- Reporting_Accounts (~)
- Total_Earnings (Dynamic Calc) (+)
- Sales (Dynamic Calc) (+)
- Loaded_Sales (Shared) (+)
- Total_Adjusted_Sales (Dynamic Calc) (+)
- Calculated_Sales (Shared) (+)
- Sales_Adjustment (Shared) (+)
- COGS (Dynamic Calc) (-)
- Loaded_COGS (Shared) (+)
- Total_Adjusted_COGS (Dynamic Calc) (+)
- Calculated_COGS (Shared) (+)
- COGS_Adjustment (Shared) (+)
So obviously this example above is pretty simple, but what I am trying to show here is how you can bucketize most of the accounts in a flat list and use them as shared members in the Reporting Hierarchy. With a flat list of Transferred, Input, and Calculated Accounts it makes processing and locating accounts much easier.
Something to note is that all members under the Reporting_Accounts parent, are either dynamic calc or shared.
Something to note is that all members under the Reporting_Accounts parent, are either dynamic calc or shared.
I know this is going to get asked, so I will address it right now... "But Scott, you are telling me that in the reporting account structure my Sales = Loaded_Sales + Calculated_Sales + Sales_Adjustment? That is not right..." The answer is like Schrödinger's cat, yes and no. Yes, the outline physically aggregates these members. No, because loaded data should be in the Actuals scenario and calculated/adjustment data should be in the Plan scenario.
Below is my list of Pro's and Con's for this method.
- Simplifies calc scripts. For example, if you had a calc script that cleared all of the input accounts for a specific period, you could use @CHILDREN("Input_Accounts") within the fix statement. This will avoid having to maintain the calc script if a new input account is added to the structure.
- This works for data exports and transfers as well.
- This method makes locating accounts much easier as you can sort the flat lists of accounts by name in Essbase.
- This method also simplifies security. For example, you can apply security easily to all Input accounts in one place without having to pick through a large reporting hierarchy. --Thanks MG!
- This adds complexity for end-users since they need to be trained to only pull from the Reporting hierarchy at the bottom of the dimension.
- Since this in a non-conventional way to structure your accounts, some administrators might think you are crazy. There is a very small gap between crazy and innovative.
I would love to hear some feedback on this approach to see what some of you other experts think of this. Also as always, let me know if you find any errors in what I am posting. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Using Blat Statements in Your Windows Batch Scripts
If you look up the word "Blat" on Wikipedia, the first definition that comes up is "a form of corruption in Russia and the Soviet Union". Strange, but don't worry, that is not what I will be talking about today.The Blat that I am going to be talking about today is a public domain windows command line utility that sends email using SMTP. This tool is extremely handy when creating windows batch scripts because it allows you to easily send email updates during your batch process. Blat must be installed on the server by an administrator and configured with an SMTP email account to work properly.
Where to Get Blat
Blat is available for free from http://www.blat.net. Since the Blat application is in the public domain, there is no cost and very little limitations associated with it. Be sure to check the license agreement on their website for more information.
Installation / Configuration (SMTP)
The installation process is pretty straight forward as long as you are comfortable running command line applications, which I am assuming you are, otherwise this blog would be pretty boring. I am only going to talk about configuring SMTP for Blat at this time. Blat is capable of POP3 and NNTP (posting to Usenet)
Installation Step 1: Unpacking the zip file
Installation Step 2: SMTP Configuration
Installation Step 1: Unpacking the zip file
The first thing you need to do is extract the contents from the zip file. Below I have outlined the folder structure in version 307 32bit.
- blat307
- full
- blat.dll
- blat.lib
- blat.exe
- blatdll.h
- docs
- ChangeLog.txt
Extract these files into a permanent directory on the machine in which you run your batch scripts. I have seen some administrators use c:\windows\system32, but it is probably best to install it to its own directory in "Program Files" to keep the system32 directory clean.
For this step you will need to have a dedicated email account set up and the following information on hand.
- Email address
- SMTP server name
- Email User ID
- Email Password
Open up a command window and navigate to the Blat directory (wherever you created it). Once there, we need to configure the utility to store the default SMTP information for sending emails from the system.
Below is the syntax for the install switch.
-install[SMTP|NNTP|POP3] <server addr> <sender's email addr> [<try n times> [<port> [<profile> [<username> [<password>]]]]]
The <try n times> and <port> may be replaced by a '-' to use defaults. The default number of tries is 1 and the default port for SMTP is 25. The <profile> can also be replaced by a '-' if you plan on specifying a username and password.
Below is an example of the syntax I used to get Blat installed on my local machine. You may have to modify this syntax unless your email address is me@myemailserver.com.
C:\Program Files\Blat\full>blat -installsmtp smtp.myemailserver.com me@myemailserver.com - - - MyUserName MyPassword
So go ahead and modify that string with your email connection information and execute it. Once complete, you should get the message below stating a successful configuration.
SMTP server set to smtp.myemailserver.com on port 25 with user me@myemailserver.com, retry 1 time(s)
Please note that when setting up Blat with a default SMTP connection, this connection information is stored in the registry. This includes the Username and Password. Don't worry too much though, the password is stored as an encrypted string within a registry key.
Congratulations! Your Blat utilityis now should be configured! Let's move to the next and final step...
Installation Step 3: Testing
For a full list of switch commands please check out the syntax guide on the Blat website below.
Error Notifications
Below is the syntax for the install switch.
-install[SMTP|NNTP|POP3] <server addr> <sender's email addr> [<try n times> [<port> [<profile> [<username> [<password>]]]]]
The <try n times> and <port> may be replaced by a '-' to use defaults. The default number of tries is 1 and the default port for SMTP is 25. The <profile> can also be replaced by a '-' if you plan on specifying a username and password.
Below is an example of the syntax I used to get Blat installed on my local machine. You may have to modify this syntax unless your email address is me@myemailserver.com.
C:\Program Files\Blat\full>blat -installsmtp smtp.myemailserver.com me@myemailserver.com - - - MyUserName MyPassword
So go ahead and modify that string with your email connection information and execute it. Once complete, you should get the message below stating a successful configuration.
SMTP server set to smtp.myemailserver.com on port 25 with user me@myemailserver.com, retry 1 time(s)
Please note that when setting up Blat with a default SMTP connection, this connection information is stored in the registry. This includes the Username and Password. Don't worry too much though, the password is stored as an encrypted string within a registry key.
Congratulations! Your Blat utility
Installation Step 3: Testing
Now that you have successfully configured your Blat utility, lets test it out. You should still have your command window open to your Blat directory. If not, do that now.
We are going to test sending an email by using the bare minimum amount of commands as possible.
The ones we will use are:
- -to
- -subject
- -body
You can probably imagine what my example is going to look like, but I am going to post it anyways... See below.
C:\Program Files\Blat\full>blat -to scott@whatever_his_email_is.com -subject "Great Job!" -body "Scott, you are doing a great job with your blog. I will subscribe and read every post!"
After executing this command, you should get a confirmation message from the Blat utility stating the sender and receiver of the email.
Now with this power comes responsibility. I do not recommend sending your co-workers fake lottery numbers from their "future self" by using the -f switch which will override the default sender's email address making it appear they sent a message to themselves. That is not nice.
For a full list of switch commands please check out the syntax guide on the Blat website below.
Using Blat Statements in Your Windows Batch Scripts
Now that you understand the technical aspects of how Blat statements function, lets talk a little about how to use these in your windows batch scripts. I will write a little about a few different types of ways to use this to your advantage.
Simple Process Updates
Email communications are probably most commonly used as status updates in a process. Whether the process is is at the start, middle or end. The key thing to having meaningful status updates is to be sure that the subject lines are consistent. I usually start the subject line with the name of the process that is being run and following it up with a short description of the update. For example: "AM Actuals Load: Process Started". The consistency allows you to easily watch different processes that may be running in parallel.
Simple Process Updates
Email communications are probably most commonly used as status updates in a process. Whether the process is is at the start, middle or end. The key thing to having meaningful status updates is to be sure that the subject lines are consistent. I usually start the subject line with the name of the process that is being run and following it up with a short description of the update. For example: "AM Actuals Load: Process Started". The consistency allows you to easily watch different processes that may be running in parallel.
Error Notifications
To me, this is the most important use of email notifications within my scripts. I don't really have to go into detail why because it pretty much speaks for itself. I posted some sample code about how to configure batch scripts for MaxL error checking previously. This code had the following Blat statement in it.
That's about it. Happy emailing!
findstr /m "ERROR" C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log if %errorlevel%==0 ( blat -t me@email.com -priority 1 -s "AM Backup: Level0 backup failed" -body "Level0 backup failed. Aborting Process." -attacht C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log exit )In this example, I am sending a high priority message to myself with the log file attached to the email message. I used the -priority switch to specify that the priority of the message will be 1 or High and I used the -attacht to attach the log file directly to the message. Attaching the log file directly to the failure notification is priceless when trying to turn around a resolution quickly.
That's about it. Happy emailing!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Error Checking MaxL From a Windows Batch Script
Hey Everyone,
I thought I would share a simple way to error check MaxL output using a windows batch. I know there are many different methods out there, but this is the one that I like to use.
Please note: I have removed all dynamic references from the code samples below and hard coded sample paths, server, and credentials to make them as generic and as easy to adapt as possible. Also, I am making the assumption that Essmsh is in the server path so it can be called directly. In versions and up you will need to call the startmaxl.cmd instead of essmsh as Oracle has phased out essmsh.
Step 1:
Ensure the MaxL Script is set to spool out to a log file by adding the following code to the beginning of you MaxL. It is also a good idea to set the time-stamp functionality to "on"./***************** Record session to a log file *********************/ spool on to C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log; /***************** Enable MaxL Timestamp ****************************/ set timestamp on;Also make sure to include the "spool off" command at the end of your MaxL script to ensure that the log file gets closed by the operating system. (see code below)
spool off; exit;
Step 2:
Setup the batch script to call the MaxL and perform the error checking on the MaxL log file.REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ---------------- Execute MaxL script to extract level 0 data --------------- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call essmsh C:\MaxL\BackUp_level0.mxl [Here you would have dynamic references including server name, credentials, log file name, log file path, etc.] findstr /m "ERROR" C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log if %errorlevel%==0 ( blat -t me@email.com -priority 1 -s "AM Backup: Level0 backup failed" -body "Level0 backup failed. Aborting Process." -attacht C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log exit )
Example of MaxL Log File Error:
Below is an example of a portion of a MaxL log file where we were encountering mysterious network errors.
MAXL> login Username Password on ServerName; OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user [Username]. OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Thursday, June 21, 2012 10:08:07 AM. OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase. essmsh timestamp: Thr Jun 21 10:08:07 2012 MAXL> import database APP.DB data from server data_file "DataFile.txt" using server rules_file 'SSD_RULE' on error write to "C:\ERR\dataload.err"; ERROR - 1042013 - Network error [10054]: Cannot Receive Data. ERROR - 1042012 - Network error [10054]: Cannot Send Data. ERROR - 1241101 - Unexpected Essbase error 1042013.
So what is this batch script actually doing?
The first step in the batch is to call the MaxL that we setup in Step 1. This will generate the log file specified in the MaxL script every time it runs (C:\LogFiles\log_file_name.log). This log file will reside on the server that actually kicks off this script. If you run it multiple times, it will overwrite the one that existed before. Note that after this essmsh command, you would normally pass server names, credentials, paths, etc. to the MaxL script for further processing (which we are not going to discuss right now).After the MaxL script has finished up the next thing the batch will do is look for the word "ERROR" anywhere within the log file. The findstr function is case sensitive, so beware.
This next step is now testing to see if the line before found the word in the log file. Now before you look at this next line and say "Hey Scott, your code is incorrect! You are saying that if there is no error then exit!" This appears so, but it is not the case. The line "If %errorlevel%==0" is actually testing the "findstr" line. If the findstr function does not find the word "ERROR" in our log file, it will throw an error itself. This is a "good error"! So if the errorlevel for the findstr function is 0, then we have a problem...
The nested steps within the if statement are pretty simple as well. The first step is to send an email to me notifying me of the problem, and then the final step closes the batch script so that it does not continue. More information on the Blat command can be found here.
You can also insert other lines of code within the IF statement. I usually put in a call to a batch that will backup and archive the log files with an error time-stamp on them or create a flag file notifying other disconnected processes of the error.
That's about it. As always if you have any questions or find any errors in my posts, please comment so I can respond and correct.
Best Practices,
Windows Batch Scripting
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Peloton Makes Documentation Utility Available to the Oracle User Community
I am very excited to announce that the Peloton Object Parser Utility that I created has now been released to the Oracle community! This utility will automatically document objects from your Oracle EPM system. Simply extract the objects from the system, place them in a folder on your local machine, and run the Parser against that folder. It really is that easy.
The types of files that it will document are listed below (v1.8.0):
- Classic Business Rule Exports (*.XML)
- Calc Manager Business Rule Exports (*.XML)
- Planning Form Definition Exports (.XML)
- Composite Planning Form Definition Exports (*.XML)
- Financial Reports Exports (*.DES)
- Financial Report Books (*.KBK)
- Financial Report Batch (*.BCH)
- Security Export Files (*.SEC)
Other Benefits of the Parser:
- It is Free!
- I have been working on this utility for many years and truly believe that it is something that can help the Oracle community. This lead us to the decision to give this utility away at no charge and really give back to the community.
- No Installation Needed
- It's a completely self sufficient utility
- Will run from a flash drive as well
- Non-Destructive Application
- This application is non-destructive to your original files. It will simply open them up, read through them, and create separate files of its own.
- As a best practice, please do not run this utility on your production servers. Simply copy the object files to a client machine and run it from there.
External Links:
Press Release:
Direct Link to Download Page:
Peloton Object Parser,
Welcome Everyone!
My name is Scott Danesi, I am an Oracle EPM and BI professional out of Chicago. I currently reside at Peloton and have been in the Oracle implementation space since 2005. I have been through many different types of projects that utilized many different technologies over the years. I thought it would be a good time to start a professional blog to share my experiences with the Oracle community.
I will update as often as possible, so check back soon!
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